2-3 Tage
matériel de location


Opera in 15 scenes
Libretto by Christoph Klimke and the collaboration of the composer
Edition: matériel d'exécution

Détails du produit


Goethe’s drama of the same name served as a sort of matrix. The completely new libretto that Christoph Klimke and I created is similar to an epic poem in which Egmont’s liberal image of society clashes against the calculating dictatorship of the Duke of Alba who is entirely focused on retaining his power. The cast has been reduced to six figures and all protagonists act on an equal footing. However, this is no mere drama between good and evil, as topical issues and conflicts are simultaneously addressed: to what extent is a society manipulable and when does a system collapse independently of its moral and idealistic values?

The connection between my opera and Beethoven results from the choice of subject and is therefore purely content-related. The focus is on Prince Egmont of Gaure as an advocate of freedom, peace and justice – themes that preoccupied Beethoven throughout his life. His famous Egmont overture is priceless for its thematic density and enormous rhythmic enthrallment. Even though I have left his work untouched, my musical material is constructed with complex density and rhythmic momentum. Nevertheless, my opera reveals a different side of Beethoven: extracts from his famous letter ‘to the immortal beloved’. The ubiquitous six-voice chorus leads us into the interior of the figures and behind the masks of their social functions in a fragile, chiselled vocal texture. Christian Jost

Orchestral Cast

2 · 2 · 2 · 2 (2. auch Kfg.) - 2 · 2 · 3 · 1 - S. (Vibr. · Mar.) (2 Spieler) - Hfe. · Klav. - Str.


I Am helllichten Tag
II Im dampfenden Schlachtfeld
III Im Zentrum der Macht. Mittag
IV Nachmittag
V Spätnachmittag
VI Früher Abend
VII Abend
VIII Zwischenakt, die Vision. Abend
IX Im Zentrum der Macht. Nacht
X Nacht
XI Nacht
XII Morgen- XIII Vormittag
XIV Verwandlung. Mittag
XV Nachmittag

Programmation des personnes

Graf Egmont · Tenor - Herzog Alba · Bariton - Clara · Sopran - Margarete von Parma · Alt - Ferdinand, Albas Sohn · Mezzosopran - Machiavell · Bariton - Sechsstimmiger Chor

Plus d'infos

Opera in 15 scenes
Libretto by Christoph Klimke and the collaboration of the composer
using texts by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
matériel d'exécution
Maison d'édition:
Schott Music
Year of composition:
2018 - 2019
La recréation:
90 ′
Travaux commandés :
Ein Auftragswerk des Theater an der Wien anlässlich des Beethoven-Jahres 2020

Détails techniques

Numéro du produit:
LS 5914-01
Droits de livraison:
pour le monde entier


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