2-3 Tage
matériel de location

L'Heure espagnole

Comédie musicale en un acte arrangé pour orchestre de chambre de Klaus Simon (2013)
Poème de Franc-Nohain
L’Heure espagnole is set in Toledo around 1850. The local watchmaker Torquemada has been instructed to service all clocks in the town hall every week, and his wife Concepción takes advantage of the free hour to amuse herself with one of her two lovers. The routine is upset, however, when the two men and a new attractive third man threaten to meet each other, further complicated by the husband’s sudden appearance at home. Klaus Simon has created an arrangement of this work for chamber orchestra, premiered at the Opéra Comique in Paris in 1911, which completely retains the temperament of the music and its Spanish colouring.
Edition: matériel d'exécution

Détails du produit


The single-act comédie musicale focuses on the extravagant Concepción, the wife of a watchmaker, who makes secret assignations with a sequence of lovers in her husband’s shop. Maurice Ravel’s rich musical imagination is displayed both in his creation of the sounds of clocks at the beginning of the opera and the influences of Spanish music, particularly vivid in the final Habanera. Alongside the parodistic slant of the libretto, the quotation technique and the concealed operatic parody with which the composer was targeting the Dramelyrique of Debussy and Massenet is reminiscent of the world of operetta. The comic-erotic single act work which in its day was described by music critics as ‘musical pornography’ for the insinuating ambiguity of both the score and the plot is now considered one of the most charming one-act operas in the repertoire.

Orchestral Cast

1 (auch Picc.) · 1 (auch Engl. Hr.) · 1 (auch Bassklar.) · 1 (auch Kfg.) - 1 · 1 · 0 · 0 - S. (Glsp. · Xyl. · Röhrengl. · Trgl. · Beck. · Schlittengl. · Schellentr. · provenz. Tr. · gr. Tr. m. Beck. · Sprungfeder · Peitsche · Kast. · Rassel) (2 Spieler) - Hfe. · Akk. · Klav. (auch Cel.) - Str. (mind. 1 · 1 · 1 · 1 · 1 [Fünfsaiter])

Programmation des personnes

Concepción, Ehefrau des Torquemada · Sopran - Gonzalve, Bakkalaureus · Tenor - Torquemada, Uhrmachermeister · Tenorbuffo - Ramiro, ein Maultiertreiber · Bariton - Don Inigo Gomez, Bankier · Bassbuffo

Plus d'infos

L'Heure espagnole
Comédie musicale en un acte arrangé pour orchestre de chambre de Klaus Simon (2013)
Poème de Franc-Nohain
matériel d'exécution
Maison d'édition:
Schott Music
Year of composition:
1907 - 1909

Détails techniques

Numéro du produit:
LS 5600-01

Preview/Media Contents

Trailer Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz (2019)


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