2-3 Tage

The Essential String Method

Vol. 3 and 4
violoncelle (contrebasse)
A complete course for individual and group teaching.
Numéro du produit: BH 102380
Edition: Klavierbegleitung
19,00 €
TTC, hors expédition
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Détails du produit


The award-winning "Essential String Method" offers an exciting advance in the teaching of stringed instruments, integrating musical awareness, creativity and technical development from the outset.
Making their way through the series, pupils encounter an attrractive selection of new tunes and arrangements on which to build their repertoire. The material is presented as a logical progression of musical activites involving both the instrument and the voice. These make learning fun and are easily incorporated into instrumental lessons, simultaneously developping the pupil's technical and musical abilities while reinforcing aspects of the school music curriculum.
Developed by leading string teachers, "The Essential String Method" provides a proven framework that draws on recognised concepts in good teaching practice, laying reliable foundations for future musical development.


All in a Garden Green (Nelson)
All through the Night (York)
Alla Siciliana (Howard & York)
Apple Pie (Thorne)
Autumn from The 4 Seasons (Vivaldi arr Nelson)
Balmy Days (Howard & York)
Boatman (Nelson)
Camptown Races (Foster arr Nelson)
Carnival Waltz (Elliott)
Carousel (Nelson)
Chasing your Tail (Nelson)
Coming Round the Mountain (York)
Conversation Piece (Nelson)
Courtly Dance (Schubert arr Elliott)
Dance for a Party (Haydn arr Nelson)
Doodle Day (Elliott)
Dr Johnson's Jig (Nelson)
Ecossaise (Beethoven arr Nelson)
Farmer's Fancy (Nelson)
Fill Every Glass (Nelson)
Fly like a Bird (Nelson)
Gavotte (Handel arr Elliott)
Grandfather's Clock (Elliott)
Greensleeves (Elliott)
Happy Sad Song (Howard)
Hatikvah (Elliott)
High Jump (Nelson)
Hungarian Folk Song (Elliott)
I am a fine Musician (Nelson)
I have a Bonnet (Nelson)
Irish Song (Moore arr. Elliott)
Irish Songs (Moore arr Elliott)
Jenny Jones (Nelson)
Jiggy Jessie (Howard)
John Grumlie (Elliott)
Kumba Yah! (Nelson)
Lament (Thorne)
Limerick Rake (York)
London Bridge Variations (Nelson)
Lullaby (Elliott)
M. Duport's Menuet (Mozart arr Nelson)
Madeleine Dreaming (York)
March of the Kings (Elliott)
Marching Scale (York)
Marmaduke Mackenzie (Nelson)
Michael Finnegan (Nelson)
Minuet (Telemann arr Nelson)
Moto Perpetuo (Nelson)
Mrs MacWater (Nelson)
New Waltz Variations (Nelson)
Old French Song (Tchaikovsky arr Nelson)
Pease Pudding Hot (Nelson)
Peripatetic Polka (Nelson)
Poor Old John (Nelson)
Reeling Around (Nelson)
Row the Boat (Nelson)
Scadavay Dawn (Howard & York)
Shortnin' Bread (Nelson)
Signor Carulli's Allegro (Carulli arr. Elliott)
Slippery Slope (Elliott)
Snakes & Ladders (Elliott)
Snap-Shift Waltz (Howard & York)
Square Scale (York)
Swinging Scale (York)
The Busybody (Nelson)
The Lochmaddy Ferry (Howard)
The Merry Peasant (Schumann arr Elliott)
The Vicar of Bray (York)
This Old Man (Nelson)
Toccata (York & Howard)
Tree Swing (Nelson)
Turkey in the Straw (Nelson)
Turn the Glasses Over (Nelson)
Two German Dances (Schubert arr Nelson)
Upon Paul's Steeple (Nelson)
Viennese Dance (Nelson)
Waltzing Scale (York)
Where's the Time Gone (Howard)
Whirlpool (Elliott)

Plus d'infos

The Essential String Method
Vol. 3 and 4
Maison d'édition:
Boosey & Hawkes

Détails techniques

Numéro du produit:
BH 102380
0,44 kg
Pages :
23.1cm x 30.3cm
Obligatoire :
Dos agrafé

Plus de cette série

The Essential String Method


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