2-3 Tage

Big Data

Product number: WER 73762
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Big Data – the title reveals the defining themes of this recording! The Decoder Ensemble considers the possibilities and consequences of the limitless availability of media in the digital age. All of the pieces here focus in different ways on common contemporary practices like remixing, copying & pasting, sampling, and recycling.

An involvement with these techniques is natural for the members of Decoder, three of whom are themselves composers. The group, founded in 2011, calls itself a “band for contemporary music” and is actively involved in the newest musical developments and trends including electronics, computer techniques, multimedia, and elements of pop and rock music.

The idea for this CD grew out of the group’s “Big Data Weekend”. According to clarinetist Carola Schaal, this was a small festival “organized in 2017 by the Decoder Ensemble for which the group commissioned eight works deal¬ing with the theme of remix. We chose several of those works for this CD, as well as a piece by Brigitta Muntendorf that seems to us to fit perfectly with the others.”

First Recordings

Production: Deutschlandfunk


Brigitta Muntendorf: PLAY ME back and forth for voice, ensemble and electronics (2015)
Ole Hübner: Lied mit Chor: „Nachtigall mit Melodei“ for female vocal artist, ensemble, 4-channel audio recording and live electronics (2016-17, rev. 2018)
Stefan Prins: Hände ohne Orte for clarinet(s), percussion, prepared piano, violoncello and soundtrack (2016/17)
Matthias Kranebitter: Stack overflow: Exploiting 24 preludes for (bass)clarinet, violoncello, electric zither, keyboard, percussion and electronics (2016/17)
Leopold Hurt: Dissociated Press for speaking voice, ensemble and recorded material (2017)

More Information

Big Data
Bund Verlag
Playing time:
63 ′59 ′′

Technical Details

Product number:
WER 73762
0,11 kg

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