Search results for: 'Kurt Johnen'

Products results 31

No exact results found for: 'Kurt Johnen'. The displayed items are the closest matches.
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Kurt Pahlen
Kurt Weill
Kurt Striegler
Kurt Lubbe
Kurt von Wolfurt
  1. A Play with Music in Three Acts
    Media Type: Sheet music
    Edition: score and critical commentary, complete edition
    Series: The Kurt Weill Edition, Vol. 13
    Language: englisch
    Product number: KWE 1013
    Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
    In stock
  2. Salome Kammer - Voice Without Limits
    Media Type: CD
    Product number: WER 67092
    Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
    In stock
  3. The Many Voices of Cathy Berberian
    Media Type: CD
    Product number: WER 60054-50
    Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
    In stock
  4. Songbook for Male Vocal Ensemble
    Media Type: Sheet music
    Edition: choir book
    Instrumentation: Vocal Ensemble diff. allocations: ATTBB/ATTB/SATB/SATBarB/TTBarBB
    Language: deutsch, englisch
    Product number: ED 22277
    Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
    In stock
  5. Kinderpantomime
    Media Type: Sheet music
    Edition: score and critical commentary, complete edition
    Series: The Kurt Weill Edition, Vol. 0
    Zaubernacht, Vol. 0
    Language: deutsch, englisch
    Product number: KWE 1000
    Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
    In stock
  6. Internationales Symposion der Paul Sacher Stiftung Basel 1996
    Media Type: Book
    Language: deutsch, French, englisch
    Product number: PSB 1005
    Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
    In stock
  7. bearbeitet von Kurt Rehfeld
    Media Type: Hire/performance material
    Edition: performance material
    Instrumentation: orchestra
  8. Gattungsgeschichtliche und analytische Beiträge
    Media Type: Book
    Language: deutsch
    Product number: ED 9526
    Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
    In stock
  9. Media Type: Book
    Edition: student's book
    Language: deutsch
    Product number: ED 9155
    Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
    In stock
  10. Weltliche Volkslieder in alten und neuen Sätzen
    Media Type: Sheet music
    Instrumentation: Choir (2-6 Voices)
    Language: deutsch
    Product number: ED 5401
    Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
    In stock
  11. Ein deutsches Revuemusical nach einer Idee von Kurt Neufert
    Composer: Siegfried Koehler
    Media Type: Hire/performance material
    Edition: performance material
    Language: deutsch
  12. Media Type: Book
    Language: deutsch
    Product number: ED 8183
    Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
    In stock
  13. Märchenspiel in sechs Bildern frei nach Grimm von Kurt Longa
    Media Type: Hire/performance material
    Edition: performance material
    Language: deutsch
  14. Mit Bildern von Waltraute Macke-Brüggemann, erzählt und erklärt von Kurt Brüggemann
    Media Type: Book
    Language: deutsch
    Product number: MH9005
    Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
    In stock
  15. Choir in the beginning
    Media Type: Sheet music
    Instrumentation: female choir/children's choir
    Language: deutsch
    Product number: MOS 52033
    Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
    In stock
  16. Walzer
    Media Type: Hire/performance material
    Edition: performance material
    Instrumentation: orchestra
  17. Galopp
    Media Type: Hire/performance material
    Edition: performance material
    Instrumentation: orchestra
  18. Polka - Mazurka
    Media Type: Hire/performance material
    Edition: performance material
    Instrumentation: orchestra
  19. aus der Operette "Fürstin Ninetta"
    Media Type: Hire/performance material
    Edition: performance material
    Instrumentation: orchestra
  20. (The Pledge)
    Media Type: Hire/performance material
    Edition: performance material
    Language: deutsch
  21. Nr. 1-3
    Media Type: Sheet music
    Instrumentation: flute (violin) and piano (harpsichord)
    Language: deutsch, French, englisch
    Product number: ZM27210
    Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
    In stock
  22. Nr. 4-6
    Instrumentation: flute (violin) and piano (harpsichord)
    Product number: ZM27220
    Product Type
    E-Noten PDF
    As low as €14.99
    Incl. Tax
    In stock
  23. Instrumentation: voice, piano and other instruments
    Product number: MH2007
    Product Type
    E-Noten PDF
    As low as €9.99
    Incl. Tax
    In stock
  24. Ernst Toch in der Emigration 1933-1950
    Media Type: Book
    Language: deutsch
    Product number: ED 21387
    Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
    In stock
  25. Märchenspiel in vier Bildern
    Media Type: Hire/performance material
    Edition: performance material
    Language: deutsch
  26. Text von Bertolt Brecht
    Composer: Paul Hindemith
    Media Type: Hire/performance material
    Edition: performance material
    Language: deutsch, englisch
  27. Einführung und Kommentar
    Media Type: Book
    Edition: text/libretto
    Language: deutsch, italienisch
    Product number: SEM 8024
    Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
    In stock
  28. Media Type: Journal
    Language: deutsch
    Product number: ORGA 201704
    Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
    In stock
  29. Media Type: Journal
    Language: deutsch
    Product number: ORCH 202103
    Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
    In stock
  30. Elektroakustische Musik
    Media Type: Journal
    Language: deutsch
    Product number: NZ 201402
    Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
    In stock
  31. Media Type: Journal
    Language: deutsch
    Product number: ORCH 201711
    Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
    In stock
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