2-3 Tage
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Music theatre in 18 scenes
Libretto by Wolfgang Adenberg

Product Details


‘What happens when my time has run out?’ ‘Then you will go back through time … far away from here where the music is coming from.’

With these words, Master Hora falls asleep and time stops across the world. Only Momo is able to find her way through this state of stasis: she outwits the Men in Grey, who smoke cigars made from the dried petals of hour-lilies (representing time) and so slowly extinguish the life of humanity. She forces open the Time savings bank and frees the millions of hour-lilies trapped within restoring time to the world.

Wilfried Hiller has always mistrusted opera written in the classical style and searched for unorthodox instrumentation options. For example, Momo’s initial encounter with the wise tortoise is sketched out on an oboe d’amore, a quiet roll on the cymbal and pizzicato from the cellos, while the Men in Grey are depicted by the chilly brilliance of an organ cluster. Only in the Niemals-Gasse [Never Lane] where Momo is being pursued by the Men in Grey, does the entire orchestra hammer out chords in triple forte. The charcter of Master Hora is not an individual figure, but is represented by the chorus. The composer specifies that an actress should play the role of Momo.

The setting of Michael Ende’s novel is the continuation of a long-term artistic partnership between Hiller and Ende, which has continued despite the death of the author in 1995. Hiller produced an affectionate portrait of his friend in Gigi the songwriter. During their artistic collaboration, Ende sang melodies which the composer noted down. The pizzicato in cellos and double basses is a quotation of the guitar as played with two fingers by the author.

Orchestral Cast

2 (2. auch Picc.) · 0 · Ob. d’am. · 2 · 0 - 3 · 2 · 0 · 1 - S. (P. · Glsp. ·
Zimb. · Vibraphonplatte [h''] · Balinesischer Muttergong · Trgl. · 3 Beck. · Bell-Tree · Tamt. · 18 nordindische Klangschalen · kl. Tr. · gr. Tr. · 2 Bong. · 2 Shime · Metallratsche · Ratsche · Guiro · Zanza · Templebl. · 4 Woodbl. · 3 Mar. · 2 Okedos · Odaiko · Hyoshigi · 3 Geophone · 4 Weingläser · Klangstein aus Jade) (4 Spieler) - Hfe. · Klav. (auch Cel. und Org.) - Str.


1. Akt · I Nokan
II So hörte Momo zu
III Das Spiel der Kinder
IV Beppo
V Die Grauen Herren
VI Bibigirl
VII Das Tribunal der Grauen Herren
VIII Der Gang ins Licht
IV Bei Meister Hora (1)
2. Akt · X Kassiopeia
XI Glaub an deine Träume
XII 5 vor 12
XIII Bei Meister Hora (2)
XIV Die Grauen Herren in Horas Haus
XV Verfolgungsjagd durch die Stadt
XVI Die Dezimierung der Grauen Herren
XVII Die Stundenblume
XVIII Vom Gesang der Sterne


Momo · junge Schauspielerin, singt nur im Finale ein einfaches Lied - Gigi, Liedermacher · lyrischer Tenor - Beppo, älterer Straßenkehrer · Spielbariton - Sieben graue Herren · Koloratursopran, Mezzosopran, Alt, Tenor, Bassbariton, Bariton, Bass - Meister Hora · gemischter Chor und ein Kind (Sprechrolle) - 5 Kinder · 2 Soprane, 2 Mezzosoprane, 1 Alt - Bibigirl. sprechende Puppe · Soubrette - Herr Fusi, Friseur · Bariton - Lehrjunge · Sprechrolle - Nicola, Maurer · Bariton - Nino · Bariton - 2 Frauen · Mezzosoprane - Junge mit
einem Vogel im Käfig · Sprechrolle

More Information

Music theatre in 18 scenes
Libretto by Wolfgang Adenberg
based on the fairy tale novel by Michael Ende
Schott Music
Year of composition:
2017 - 2018
Commissioned work :
Auftragswerk des Staatstheaters am Gärtnerplatz, München

Technical Details

Product number:
LS 5883-01

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