Pascal Martiné

Pascal Martiné

Pays d'origine: Allemagne
Date d'anniversaire: 1986

À propos de Pascal Martiné

Pascal Martiné (*1986) took his first piano lessons at the age of six and later violin, organ and singing lessons as well. In 2005 he began to study to become a teacher of music and mathematics at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. He further honed his pianistic skills with Prof. Oscar Vetre and in 2008 began parallel studies to become a graduate music teacher for piano. In 2007 he won the first prize of the Promotional Competition of the Friends of the Hochschule für Musik Mainz.

His first compositions for choir which he could perform together with the Junger Kammerchor Mainz were based on the composition studies with Prof. Lutz Dreyer. In 2007 Martiné was co-founder of this student ensemble which he directed until 2010. From that period date mainly sacred works for four to six mixed voices which are characterized by a dense and atmospheric musical language. Performances and commissioned works at home and abroad (Finland, Iceland, Ireland, South Africa) provide testimony to his compositional oeuvre. His "Pater noster" was broadcast on the Icelandic Radio as a contribution to the Nordic Baltic Choir Festival in 2010. Martiné regularly works with Cantinovum, the choir of the Polytechnic Institute of Jyväskylä Finland under the direction of Rita Varonen. "The Dove", another commissioned work for Cantinovum, was performed in Germany for the first time during a concert tour of the Finnish choir in 2012. 
The motto of Martiné's collaboration with the award-winning Spanish cartoonist elfelix aka Félix Díaz in 2012/13 was Ton & Tusche [Sound & Ink]: For the women's choir Luna founded by him, Martiné composed pieces in the style of modal to Romantic folksongs on texts by Walther von der Vogelweide and Ludwig Uhland while elfelix drew illustrations during choir practice which were shown at an exhibition accompanying the concert. 

Pascal Martiné lives in Mainz, leads classical and modern choirs, regularly holds choir workshops and works as a secondary-school teacher of music and mathematics in Hessen. He values the work with professional musicians as well as with committed amateur musicians, children, young people and adults. Apart from these mainly educational activities, he sees composing as an important creative and liberating counterbalance.
