Cathrin Ambach

Cathrin Ambach

Country of origin: Germany
Birthday: 1967

About Cathrin Ambach

Cathrin Ambach was born in 1967. She studied musicology at the Frankfurt Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst.
Since 1991 she has been working as a flute teacher at several youth music schools. She is musically active in the fields of both classical music and jazz music.
She is a member of the trio 'tegevé' which combines highly virtuoso acoustic jazz with influences from flamenco, Balkan, Latin and tango music. To date, her following editions have been published by Schott: the flute method 'Querflöte spielen – mein schönstes Hobby', volumes 1 and 2, and the two accompanying tune books 1 and 2.
