Darren Fellows

Darren Fellows

Country of origin: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Birthday: 1975

About Darren Fellows

Darren Fellows was born in North Yorkshire in 1975 and began playing the trumpet at the age of eight. By the age of 17, he had his first piece of music published and played on the radio, toured Europe as principal trumpet of the County Concert Band and had a good reputation as a player.

Darren went on to study trumpet, piano and composition at the Welsh College of Music and Drama where he obtained a B.A. Honours degree in music. After this, Darren continued his trumpet studies privately at the Royal Academy of Music.

Darren played the trumpet in touring West-End shows, namely South Pacific, meeting big names in musical theatre and gaining a wide reputation as a trumpet player.

Darren is now based in Cardiff where he works as a freelance trumpet player (having played with the BBC National Orchestra of Wales and London Brass). He is in much demand as a music teacher, giving workshops, and trumpet and piano lessons.

Much of Darren’s time is dedicated to composing. He has written a short opera for children, film music, romantic piano pieces, educational teaching aids and collections of classical and jazz music for children.
